Hi, Tina. I'm just getting my second website up to speed so I know it's been a bit harder to reach me. I should have it up soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow morning. Thank you so much on the RR! I'm thrilled the story moved you. You might be interested to know the sequel to The Janitor will be out in late July from Loose Id, called The Boxer. You can reach me at janmairving at gmail dot com
I have been writing for many years.
If you'd like to know more,
you can find snippets, book reviews, and chat with me on my face book: https://www.facebook.com/janice.irving or here. I love to hear from readers.
Hi, Tina. I'm just getting my second website up to speed so I know it's been a bit harder to reach me. I should have it up soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow morning. Thank you so much on the RR! I'm thrilled the story moved you. You might be interested to know the sequel to The Janitor will be out in late July from Loose Id, called The Boxer. You can reach me at janmairving at gmail dot com